Submit a Business 4 Sale
Submit a Business 4 Sale

So, you might want to sell your business?
Whether you're looking to buy or sell a business you know you must have a thorough knowledge of the entire process and protect yourself and your assets at all costs. So when it comes to making the final decision, a Taxco professional will assist you and avoid the common pitfalls for people on either side of the transaction.
Click here to list your Business 4 Sale
How it Works for Sellers
Taxco can help you sell your business.
The Taxco Business 4 Sale concept aims to create a marketplace where Sellers can provide details of businesses for sale in an environment where confidentiality is assured and the widest possible national market can access the information offered. Potential Buyers simply browse our Tax Shop for the businesses on offer in order to closely match their requirements to your listing.
The nature of releasing information on the proposed sale of your company across the Internet raises the possibility that your staff, creditors and customers could all react negatively to the information. It is therefore in the interests of all concerned to conceal your identity until such time as you decide we should approach the prospective buyer. When completing the Business 4 Sale submission form you will be able to specify the level of confidentiality that you require and we will use that to determine what information is released. The implications of the choice are explained on the form.
The Taxco Business 4 Sale databases will also hold information on the method of contact that you have chosen and we will direct enquiries accordingly.
There are three main methods of contact:
• By direct e-mail
You provide us with an e-mail address and we will mail potential Buyers queries to you. This e-mail can be be aliased through a second mail server to further protect your identity.
• By fax
The e-mail enquiry filed by the potential Buyer is received by ourselves in our offices. We then lookup your faxing instructions and fax the printed e-mail enquiry directly to you.
• By (snail) mail
We receive the e-mail enquiry, print it out, and then mail it to a specified person at a specified postal address.
In all the above cases, it is your decision as to whether you we should contact the prospective buyer or not. Should you wish to conduct a short but anonymous correspondence then we can also assist in this regard.
These listings are not free.
Please read the Conditions for Sellers for details relating to commissions payable should a successful sale result. Incoming submissions are only published upon our receipt of the signed agreement documents.
All Sellers are required to agree to pay a commission to Taxco at the conclusion of a sale which results from an introduction which originated from the Taxco Business 4 Sale website ( This commission is based on a fixed 3% of the gross Sale amount agreed between the Seller and the Buyer. We can facilitate the complete process from introduction to the eventual signed contract and payment.
After submitting the details of the business being offered for sale you will be presented with an electronic contract which you are required to print to your printer. You then need to sign the contract, have it duly witnessed and mail it to Taxco's Business 4 Sale department. On receipt of the signed contract, we will release your database entry and then your "Business 4 Sale" listing will be visible to our website visitors.
Should you be in a rush to have your listing published then you may fax or scan and email the signed agreement through to us and we will publish the listing immediately on the understanding that the original signed agreement is en route to us in the mail.
You may inspect a copy of the Commission Agreement here.! Please contact us directly if you require an amendment to any of the terms.
Please note that listings will only be activated on our receipt of the agreement or bona fide evidence that the agreement has been signed.
How it works for Buyers
The Taxco Business 4 Sale database offers you, the Buyer, an opportunity to view a listing of Businesses 4 Sale that meet the criteria you specify in terms of price, industry, location and activity. There are no hidden costs for the Buyer and, in fact, there are no costs at all. You simply scan the listings, send messages to us on those business or business opportunities that appeal to you, and wait for us to contact you directly.
Please note that should you be interested in a business, the Seller may require that we verify your credetials before we divulge certain contact and or financial information about the business in question or even request a non-disclosure agreement to be signed by the parties, before any additional information is released. This will all be done at no cost to you. We can facilitate the complete process from introduction to the eventual signed contract and payment.
IMPORTANT: We recommend that you have read, studied and understood the Terms and Conditions for Sellers carefully before you complete and submit the Business 4 Sale Submission Form.
Disclaimer: Taxco shall in no way be held responsible for any eventualities arising from the use of any information provided by this website and the sites to which it links. All information has been supplied in good faith by Taxco and is taken from information submitted by the Seller. Taxco makes no representation to its accuracy, leaving it up to the user to do the necessary verification.