Drive for show
Plan for a sweep shot.
Setup with feet together diagonal with ball - (Low point of swing arc is always in the middle of chest)
Turn left foot out, move right foot back for wide shoulder width stance to accomodate swing
Ball position inside left heel,
Keep club at new low point back behind ball (Don't lean left to force club behind the ball)
Take club back “low and slow”, maintain original flex in right knee.
Extend firm left arm and turn shoulders.
Coil upper body against solid lower half, get behind the ball.
Initiate downswing with lateral movement on left heel on inside path
Easy transition down start with legs/hips
Swing within yourself, level shoulder turn, light grip, head behind ball at impact
Swing club over low swing arc point into back of ball and keep head behind that point
Result is you will hit up on the ball.
Don't look at ball, swing through to full finish
Keep club head going along target line after impact, no quitting.
Choke down on driver for more accuracy.
How to hit it long
Keep your wrist cock just before striking ball, then crack the whip!
Connect ball on upswing, more weight on right side on set-up, hands stay behind the ball, left hip high on impact.
Swing thoughts (Only one per swing)
“Get behind the ball”
"Shoulders" on the backswing turn and "Hips" on the downswing to pull arms and hand into the ball
"Keep head behind the ball"
"Long and smooth"
Practice drills
Ingrain feel
Make 100 very slow practice swings thinkinh and feeling each part of the movement.
Know the Bottom of your Arc - Driver Sweeps ball
Place tees in a row and hit them out of the ground with a sweeping motion. Position tee inside left heel, handle pointing just in front of belt buckle.
Head never moves towards or past the tee at impact!
Extend your spine
Imitate impact position and beyond - Keep 100% weight on forward leg, keep head behind ball, stretch and extend into the finish.
Power angle drill
Keep 90 degree angle between club and arms as long as possible on downswing.
Promote upward sweep of the tee
1.Hit balls with driver with left foot on top of a little bucket
2. Tee ball very high and practice hitting up
3. Driver face points up at ball, not square - hit ball up off tee
Driver back sequence
Going back, keep arms extended, tilt spine back, right knee stays flexed, full shoulder turn
Driver down sequence
Shift left to start down, roll left ankle back, right ankle through, turn hips, then sling club, point chest to ball at impact
Driver tempo, same as wedge swing, accelerate smooth, full shoulder turn, no rush.
Chest drill to hit draw with Driver
Keep chest pointing at point past right foot on downswing
Swing hands down in front of chest
Hit ball with straight left arm and left wrist under left shoulder