Become a Taxco Product Partner
What is a Taxco Product Partner?

A Taxco Product Partner is a person who owns a product that is offered for sale through our website.
We will consider adding your products for sale through our website provided:
• The products are business-related
• The products are in a downloadable format or easily delivered
• You, as the Product Partner, own all rights in and to the product
• The products meet our quality-check and approval
• We are satisfied with your credentials
What are the Benefits of being a Taxco Product Partner?
A Taxco Product Partner earns 90% of the total sale price of each of his/her products that are sold via our website. We bear all costs relating to marketing, associate commissions, Google ad-words, credit card commissions, website development and maintenance, and all other other costs associated with the sale!
What is required of a Taxco Product Partner?
A Taxco Product Partner is required to provide us with the relevant product/s in a suitable electronic format. A Taxco Product Partner is also required to ensure that the products are correctly compiled, of a high standard, regularly reviewed, and updated as applicable.
Please note: if your application as a Taxco Product Partner is approved, by submitting your product to us for sale via our website, you are warranting to us that you own all copyright, rights and interest in the product, and that no third party rights have been breached. You also indemnify us against any claims that any party may bring against us as a direct result of your product, including any credit card reversals.
How do I become a Taxco Product Partner?
Send us your details, and we will be in contact with you to discuss the marketing of your product.
If we accept your application as a Taxco Product Partner, our standard Taxco Product Partner Terms and Conditions will apply.